Welcome ORU Chapter!

The ORU ACM Chapter is a community of students at ORU who are enthusiastic about learning computing skills and help each other grow.

oru acm meeting

2022-2023 Coding Challenge

Your task is to convert the Travesty program, written in Pascal, a pseudo-text generator into a functioning Python program. Click the blue botton below to read the accompanying article about Travesty.

Click here to sign up!

Deadline and Submission: Please pay attention to the new deadline

The original code comes from an article found in Byte Magazine, Vol 09 Nbr 12, pages 129-131, 449-469.

Read the Article

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are an ORU student and want a community of programming enthusiasts, then this is the club for you. This club is not exclusive to Computer Science students only; all majors are welcome!

It cost $0 to become a chapter member of ORU ACM. It's about creating memories not stressing about member cost.

No prior knowledge about computing or programming is required. This is a community of leaerners so all that we ask is you have a desire to learn.

The Council

Dr. Osborne

Dr. J Bryan Osborne

Faculty Advisor


Andrew Westlund

Andrew Westlund



Khawm Mung

Khawm Mung

Vice President


Sam Udall

Sam Udall



Contact Info

  • Address: 7777 S Lewis Ave, Tulsa, OK 74171
  • Office: Collaboration Lab
  • Club Email: oruacm@gmail.com